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Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2) Page 4
Pyramids and Promises (Omega Mu Alpha Brothers Book 2) Read online
Page 4
The guide went over all the safety instructions, but Conner wasn’t listening. From that height, what could they do anyway? He leaned against the basket and watched Jessica taking it all in. She looked up into the balloon as the heat radiated up, and when they left the ground and began to climb, she glanced down.
Conner took a chance and stood as close to her as he thought she would allow. He forgot how romantic these damned things were. The sun hadn’t peeked up over the horizon yet, but the sky had lightened considerably, so they had a great view of the surrounding land.
She glanced at him, her eyes sparkling. “This is amazing. Look at the Nile. It’s green on both sides, and then it just stops and bam, desert. I thought everything was just brown.”
Conner smiled and leaned into her. “Pretty incredible, huh?”
She nodded and pointed below. “What’s that?”
“An old temple of some kind. There are all kinds of them all over the place. From the sky, it’s really easy to see the ruins.”
“Where is Valley of the Kings?”
“To the north. We won’t go over that. It’s restricted. But you can’t see anything from the sky anyway. All the cool stuff there is underground.”
“Looks like the sun’s coming up.”
The wind caught the basket, and they swayed a little bit. Jessica fell into him. His breath caught, and he slid his arm around her waist to keep her steady. She didn’t seem to notice, so he left his arm there, his hand resting lightly on the basket.
“Thanks for bringing me here, Conner. This is wonderful. I’ll admit I was a little nervous last night. But now I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to sell me to some creepy Saudi prince.”
Conner chuckled. “You really thought that?”
“Maybe.” She blushed and then laughed. It was so light and clear. The first time he’d heard her truly let go.
“Lucky for you, I come by my money honestly,” he said with an exaggerated wink. She giggled for him.
The sun began to rise up over the horizon, bathing the entire area in red and gold. Jessica gasped.
“This is truly spectacular. Let’s get a picture.” She pulled out her phone and one of those ridiculous selfie sticks from her purse.
“Really, you have one of those?” He smiled. She continued to surprise the hell out of him.
“Do you want to be in the picture or not?”
“Sure.” She turned and fitted her back against his chest. He could smell her shampoo. He looked at her as she smiled, and instead of smiling for the camera, at the last second he kissed her on the cheek.
“You dog.” She giggled, shoving him away. The basket shook and the guide yelled something in Arabic at them. She wiped at her cheek, but her grin said he was forgiven. “What were you thinking?”
“Something to make your ex jealous.”
Her eyes lit up, and she leaned into him again. “That’s not a bad idea. This is totally going on Facebook. You have to be in all my pictures.”
She dropped her head onto his shoulder and snapped another couple of pics.
“Okay, that’s fine for your ex, but what will your family think?”
“That I’ve moved on. At least no one will be asking me how I’m doing.”
“So you want me to be your rebound guy?” This might be easier than he intended.
“No, you’re going to be my pretend rebound guy. You wanted to show me all the cool sites anyway. I’m all yours. People will think I’m just fine, no one will ask me any questions, and Rick will get the hint that I’m not his anymore.”
“What makes you think he checks your page?”
“Trust me, he does. He’s been trying to make up for weeks.”
“Make up with you?” Conner frowned at her. He didn’t want to lose another woman to a husband that didn’t deserve her. Nour had been married to a worthless man for years. It was painful to see. He wouldn’t watch this beautiful girl make the same mistake. “Isn’t your divorce final?”
“It is, but he thinks he’s God’s gift to women, and he’ll want to make sure I’m miserable. Now I can show him I’m not.”
“Aren’t you a therapist?”
She nodded, her grin wide.
“Isn’t this kind of twisted?”
She shrugged. “Maybe. But I’ve been doing this long enough to know that everyone is allowed to do something crazy after a major breakup. This is mine. And it is mild compared to what some people do.”
Conner had a fleeting thought that he hoped she’d do more crazy things with him than just pretend. He could be a good rebound guy. Then he wouldn’t feel guilty when he abandoned her for Nour. Because someday, Nour would come back to him. He’d make sure of it.
They continued along the Nile as the sun rose and turned everything a luscious gold. Jessica stayed close to him. Conner loved the feel of her, and this new turn would certainly make it easy for him to slip in and win her emotions. The ex-husband though. He must be a real ass. He’d have Tommy do a background check and find out exactly what he was dealing with.
Jessica really relaxed for the first time since she caught her lying bastard of a husband in bed with her colleague. With the sun warming everything, she realized she was in the land where civilization was born. The history in this country could take an entire lifetime to discover, and she’d managed to find a smoking hot rich guy who wanted to show it all to her. Maybe she wouldn’t miss Russia as much as she thought.
The main thing about Conner was that there was no pressure. He was promising to show her around, and he had the resources to do it in style. This was all about fun. And fun was something she was in seriously short supply of and had been for a long time. Sure, Conner liked to stand a little too close. Down the road, something might develop, or they might have a more serious talk. At the moment though, he didn’t seem to be interested in anything more than a good time, and that suited her perfectly.
Letting Rick know she’d moved on was an added bonus. Maybe if he saw her with another man, he’d leave her alone. Keeping her family off her back was just another perk. Her parents didn’t constantly check on her. Instead they put her older sister on that job. Julie fed all of Jessica’s secrets right into her mother’s ear. Thank goodness Julie was a Facebook addict.
Really, there wasn’t a downside to letting Conner lavish a little attention on her.
She pointed to a large statue. “What’s that?”
Conner shrugged. “No idea. There are literally thousands of those things all over the place here.”
Jessica laughed. “You don’t make a very good tour guide.”
“I’m not much of a history buff. I enjoy the scenery, but I don’t know all the details. We can hire a guide for the day if you want the nitty gritty stuff. You ready to land?”
She shook her head. “I wish we could stay up here forever.”
Conner yawned. “We’re heading to the Valley of the Kings once we land. Whenever you are ready.”
She was disappointed to leave the air. It was magical up in the morning sky, floating over statues and monuments thousands of years old. Pharaohs had walked here.
“Alright.” She sighed.
He signaled their guide with a chuckle. The balloon dropped a few feet, and she stumbled into Conner. Her stomach flip-flopped, and she started laughing.
His arms had been around her way too much for one balloon ride, but she wasn’t going to complain.
“What changed?” Conner asked.
“What do you mean?”
“Last night, and even this morning, you’d been nervous and distant. A few pictures and a little turbulence, and suddenly you’re giggling and happy. Not that I’m complaining.” He grinned an impossibly sexy smile. Those green eyes of his were to die for.
“I don’t know. There is something about being up in the air, in Egypt of all places, and seeing the sun come up. Realizing this might not be such a bad assignment after all. I haven’t been giving it enough of a chance.” She pulled free of his
grasp and tucked her escaped hair behind her ears.
“Just like that you changed your mind about the whole country?”
“Just like that.” She shoved him playfully, and he grinned again. Damn, if this one didn’t have a girlfriend, he had a string of broken hearts all over Cairo.
Conner grabbed her hand. “We’re getting closer to landing. We need to crouch down.”
He sat on his haunches and pulled her down with him.
“The basket will probably bounce a little bit, but it could also fall over and drag for a few feet. It’s not very windy here, so we’ll probably be fine, but I want you to be aware.”
She nodded.
They hit the ground and bounced. Jessica gripped Conner’s arm.
“No worries. That should be the worst of it,” he said with a soft smile.
“We’re going over!” yelled the driver.
“Or not.” Conner wrapped both his arms around her. “Hold on, princess.”
Jessica threw herself into Conner’s lap and held on for dear life. She didn’t want to be thrown out of the basket. It wasn’t one of her best moments, but she wasn’t worried about that just then.
The basket toppled over and landed on its side. Jessica was on her back, and Conner leaned over her. All his weight on his hands next to her head. He frowned at her, and she started laughing. She hoped he would too, but he continued to stare at her. Not even a grin. Maybe life and death situations were easy for him. However, she needed the release of adrenaline. Her therapist mind locked away that tidbit.
Their guide, along with three others trying to tether the balloon, offered hands to help them up. Conner stood on his own and helped Jessica.
She scrambled out of the basket and dusted off her capris. He followed her, still looking somber.
“You know,” she said. “I think you liked me better when I was grumpy Jessica.”
He ran his hand through his hair, ruffling his golden waves into the most haphazardly handsome mess. “It’s not that. I’m not quite sure what to do with happy Jessica. My whole goal when you were grumpy was to cheer you up. I don’t know what to do now.”
“Well, you succeeded at goal number one. Pick a new one. Now take me to Valley of the Kings.”
That got a smile out of him.
When Jessica was reserved and anxious, she reminded him a lot more of Nour than she did now. Nour could be happy at times, but only when they were utterly alone could she take off her hijab and talk about the future. He never realized that for her it was just a dream. She knew from the beginning that they couldn’t be together. He wished she’d told him before he fell.
Jessica. Happy Jessica made him a tad bit nervous. It was like his private time with Nour exploded all over the place for everyone to see, leaving him exposed and open. He’d wanted to pick a fight to see her cheeks color and her eyes flash. Instead, he made her laugh and got this gorgeous girl who was suddenly so full of light and life it overwhelmed him.
He wished he were showing her some place with more awe factor. She deserved the best that the ancients had to offer.
The Valley of the Kings was definitely not one of his favorites. It was cool enough to see once, but didn’t have nearly the grandeur of some of the other sites in the country. Ladies choice though, so that was what he was going to give her.
When the van stopped, Conner got out and bought the tickets. He sprung for all the extras, even though King Tut’s tomb wasn’t really worth it.
He put his hand on Jessica’s back as he led her through the gate. She gave him a huge smile, and he hoped she wouldn’t be terribly disappointed.
They walked up a hill, and she turned to face him.
“How far is it?”
“How far is what?” he asked.
“Valley of the Kings?”
He held back a laugh. “It’s right here. You’re at the entrance.” He pointed at a few tunnels. “There are the tombs.”
Her face fell. “That’s it?”
“You haven’t been inside yet. Come on.”
He led her up the stone walkway. “Which Ramses tomb would you like to start with? There’s the First all the way through the Eleventh or Twelfth, I think.”
She busied herself flipping through a guidebook that had been at the ticket booth. He rolled his eyes at her.
“You have a walking guidebook. You don’t need that.” He reached to take it from her, but she wouldn’t release it.
“Oh yeah, you know that tomb number 17 is Seti the First and right where to find him.” She blinked innocently.
He laughed. “You’ve got me there. Lead the way, Princess.”
Words he would live to regret.
She drug him through several tombs that all looked the same. She hit up tombs he didn’t even know were there. If only she’d put that book down, let him show her the highlights, they’d be back at the hotel eating lunch poolside.
“Saved the best for last.” She clapped as they neared tomb 62. Tutankhamen.
Of course. The first typical tourist thing she’d said.
Tut’s tomb was much like all the others. All of the glittering gold had been removed long ago and placed in collections and museums. The murals on the wall, though, were something to behold. Jessica’s gaze hungrily drank them in.
“I know it’s not as grand as it once was.” She kept her voice reverently low, even though it was only the two of them. Conner had slipped a worker some cash to make sure of it. “Still though, just breathing the air down here is amazing.”
He had the strong urge to pull her to him and kiss her. He was willing to bet that she tasted nothing like Nour. A tomb, though, probably wasn’t the most romantic of places, so he kept his hands in his pockets and pretended to be interested
“This isn’t doing much for you, is it?” She knocked her shoulder into his with a grin.
“You’ve seen one tomb...” He shrugged.
“Not so.” She wound her arm through his, and he sucked in a breath. She smelled like sunshine. It was the lamest thought that had ever rolled through his head, but it was the honest to goodness truth. Down there in all the musty dust, she smelled fresh and light. Sunshine. There was no other way to describe it.
“Picture the scene,” she said.
“What?” He raised an eyebrow at her.
“Close your eyes and listen to me.” She squeezed his arm. He obeyed without further question, curious to see where she was going with this.
“Imagine this room glittering with stacks of gold. Statues in effigy of the beloved pharaoh. Mourners on their knees, crying into their hands.” Jessica’s voice was breathy as she leaned against him and whispered into his ear. “The priests are carrying in the sarcophagus and placing it on the pedestal. The incense is burning heavy.”
Conner could almost smell it. She wove such a spell he could practically see it all lay out before them.
“The murals are vibrantly colored with their fresh paint, and the gold practically undulates in the light of the fires. It’s alive, infused with the last of Tut’s spirit.”
Conner cracked open his eyes. Jessica was pressed up against him, and her cheeks were flushed. She was so caught up in her own story she probably didn’t realize how close to him she’d gotten.
The overwhelming need to kiss her threatened to drown him again. Only a few inches separated them. He slid his hand down and intertwined his fingers with hers.
She popped her eyes opened, and her cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink that he could barely see in the dim light of the tomb.
“So you see, not just any old tomb.” She leaned back a little. Her eyes were bright, brighter than they should have been in the gloom.
“I see your point.” He smiled.
“Then my work here is done.” She stepped away. Warm, dry air filled the space where she had just been, and the spell she’d cast over Conner broke. They both took a deep breath. Conner scraped his hand through his hair, and Jessica fiddled with her guide book.
nbsp; “Let’s go find the sun.” Conner had enough of the dead for the day.
Jessica was all smiles when they left King Tut’s tomb. There was an extra bounce in her step as they walked back to the car.
“Well, I can cross that off my bucket list. Though, I have to admit it wasn’t as grand as I was expecting. If you’re trying to get me to fall in love with this place, you aren’t off to a very good start.”
“You didn’t exactly pick a good starting point. And you were singing a different tune two hours ago in the balloon, and just now, in the Tut tomb.”
The driver opened the door, but instead of getting in, Jessica turned to him.
“True, there have been a few amazing things. So then, it’s your turn. Show me something you think is spectacular.”
He grabbed her hand and pulled her close to him. “We could go to my room. Lots of spectacular things there.”
“You flirt.” She laughed and pushed off his chest.
He wasn’t sure what he expected her reaction to be. Embarrassment maybe. Anger. Indifference. But he found he liked pushing her. Her emotions were wild and open. So very different from Nour. Jessica never disappointed him.
“You’d love it.” He winked at her. “Much better than some dead guys.”
She gave him a half grin and leaned close, making his blood boil. There was a light smattering of freckles on her nose that drove him wild. He wanted to see if they were all over her body.
“If it was that incredible, you would’ve shown me last night.” Her breath across his cheek nearly drove him to kiss her right there beside the car. He didn’t care who was standing around.
“Seriously, if the Valley of the Kings is here, then there has to be other cool things here too.” She straightened and cleared her throat. The little seductress! And she’d called him the flirt.
Conner grinned. “Fine. But if you want to see some of the other things, then we have to stay another night. Are you up for that?”
“Sure. But I’d like to head back early tomorrow. I don’t want to be too tired for my first day at work.”